Thursday, June 30, 2011

2 Years Ago...

Two years ago this morning (June 30th), I was just coming out of surgery...exploratory surgery to figure out the extreme pain that I was in and while I was pregnant.  There are so many thoughts swirling in my head about this timeframe two years ago....  I checked back for pictures and wondered if I had posted anything on my first blog, which I did...I think it sums it all up fairly well (, but for those that would prefer to not click around, here is a review:

I was 16 1/2 weeks pregnant...we were coming back from a family reunion with Dave's family and I just wasn't feeling "right" all day.  I hadn't been feeling well since the beginning of pregnancy, so I chalked it up to the new normal "bliss" of being pregnant.  We eventually got home after a long, slow car ride, and I tried to get comfortable, but eventually gave up and went to bed.  I awoke in excruciating pain, shot straight up, and just knew we immediately had to get to the hospital.  For 5 weeks leading up to this June 28th/29th morning, I had been in crazy pain, on my way lower right side, like a knife was piercing me from front to back inside my right hip.  5 weeks prior, the doctor discovered a cyst on the right ovary, which is apparently common in pregnancy, but my cyst was twisting (or torsion as they call it).  I continued have bouts of pain every day sometimes once or twice, but I was very keenly aware of this cyst that we were "watching" and hoping didn't grow any larger.  By the time this second unbelievable pain came around, within only moments, it was already elevated to my first time we ended up at the hospital after I was up all night and nearly passed out.  So, we headed to the hospital - I remember feeling very queasy and every little jolt, bump or stop of the car was just a killer.  They admitted me and I went through all the many hours waiting and waiting as in all hospital ERs, trying heat, ice, gas pills (they were convinced I had gas!  If only I thought that were funny then), and eventually 2 rounds of morphine, which did nothing (yea, imagine that!).  Anyway, eventually they gave me the beloved drug Demerol, with shots to me every 4 hours, but I didn't care.  They were keeping me under 23-hour observation and the Demerol helped me sleep finally...until they decided on that Monday night that Tuesday morning they were going to go in and do exploratory surgery - they couldn't find out what was wrong from all the tests and they assured me it was "low risk" to my baby/pregnancy.  So, I went into surgery, and distinctly remember thinking it was weird that they walked me into the surgery room and had me climb up to the stainless steel table and then they strapped me in...what happened to being wheeled in and knocking me out first like on TV?  It was so bizarre to me.  Next, I remember coming out of my sleep to this holding area and a kind nurse speaking to me.  Of course, I asked immediately what happened and she said they removed my ovary and fallopian tube...and then she left.  I was left to sit on that bed, assuming my baby was OK, but in utter shock and so one there that I knew to help me understand how I went in for "exploration" and came out losing 1/2 of my reproductive one there to tell me WHY that was the decision (and from a doctor I was already not pleased with, nor trusted completely) one there to tell me if my baby was OK.....  After what seemed like forever, they finally took me back to the room, where Dave then explained a little bit more, and showed me pictures of my ovary and fallopian tube that had essentially been killed off due to this cyst twisting them several times and cutting off blood flow.  From what I understand/remember, had I continued living with the pain and the cyst continued twisting (or stayed twisted), there is a good chance that EJ would have been "naturally" aborted (meaning, my body would have not be able to sustain her) and had anything ruptured, I may have died, too.  Wow. 

So, there are some very interesting things to me now, as I look back 2 years ago.  For one, I very much remember feeling a sense of peace about the whole ordeal, while I was in it, which is not my normal reaction.  Of course, there was a sense of "do whatever you have to do to get rid of this pain," but I believe it was more than that...I felt deep within my soul that my baby was going to be OK...I believe it was such a provision of the Lord to not only enable her to indeed be OK and bless me as a momma now, but the peace that allowed me to go into surgery with a fair amount of confidence that we'd both come out OK. In fact, as I think back about it, now I almost feel more anxiety, more sense of the seriousness of the situation, perhaps because I now know that our lives were at stake had things gotten worse.  And, along with the peace that I felt pre-surgery, as I look at my daughter now and see the active bundle of joy and curiosity that she is, I am that much more convinced of the Lord's great blessing upon me to have had a successful surgery while being pregnant and giving her to me; when I think of the surgery and the realistic scariness that "anything could happen" on that table, I'm more and more amazed that she is here and blesses me so.  Also, as I look back on it, I am of course saddened that Dave is not by my and EJ's sides as we journey through this side of surgery and birth.  I'm still not sure how anyone could watch someone go through something like that and endure such a difficult 9 months of pregnancy, carrying your child, and then leave.  I don't doubt the concern and compassion that I saw 2 years ago by my bedside - I just wonder what happened to it. 

So, it is with mixed emotions that I look upon this date, though mostly in awe of God's provision of HER and of a safe delivery and healthy baby.... 

Below are some pictures I thought I'd share....

4 incisions and a bloated tummy later (from the gas they blew in to enlarge my stomach)...this was about 3 or so days after surgery.  This picture makes me look much more pregnant than I really was at the time!

So, upper left picture is a good (HEALTHY) ovary - the marshmallow-looking thing (the bottom left is a picture of the appendix I also had removed while they were in there).

The upper left picture in this one is the bad ovary - the ovary that was hemmoraged and damaged from having blood flow being cut off...the upper right picture is the fallopian tube in the same condition. 
And...the end on a good note for this picture, the bottom left frame is EJ inside that little sack!  So precious and miraculous to me!!!

Some wonderful, sweet friends from church came to clean up my house while I was in the hospital and before my dad and friend Laurie arrived for visits...and left me signs and balloons on top of that.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

June Pictures, Part 2

We headed to the Botanical Gardens this past weekend with friends.  My little one got to run and run around, play in the water and on whatever she could crawl up,..and she fell asleep in the car just BLOCKS from the gardens when we left...and then slept for nearly 3 hours!  She had a great time, and now I look forward to return visits!

More self portraits of us!

One of the play areas...I was so glad that she figured out to duck her head!

EJ and her companion, "D," who she worked hard to keep up with and go his pace the whole time (he's 3 yrs old)...she definitely stood her ground most of the time.  :]

Look at the little sheep that is actually smaller than her!

Kisses for the sheep!!!

Watching Mommy's computer for Elmo or someone on her Pandora station....

Look!  Elmo (or someone) appeared!

My precious EJ's precious face and smile!!!
More pics to come once I get them from friends.  Stayed tuned, too - a few milestone dates coming up for this mommy...maybe I'll have a chance to write about them and where I'm at.

Monday, June 27, 2011

June Pictures, Part 1

What a crazy June we've had here!  Crazy weather, crazy (busy) schedules and activities, and visitors!  Hooray!  (and more to come in just a few days)  So, here are a few new pictures of things we've been keepin' busy with...and I'll post Part 2 soon.  There may be updates as some friends have pics on their cameras and they might send those to me, so you can always check back!

Also, I totally missed posting anything on EJ's big 18 month milestone, so at the bottom, I thought I'd include portions of her sweet little vocabulary that make me smile everyday. 

"Mommy, are you SURE I can't get out of this stroller?  I think I can figure it out, but you're watching me."

"I'm slightly disgruntled because my mommy is making me sit in this stroller - which is for LITTLE girls and I'm a BIG girl - instead of letting me jump into the water that I love SOOO much.  Oooh!  And I could play with the fish!"

My "little" bro was in town for a conference, so EJ got to spend a little bit o' time with her Uncle Kevin (who she enjoyed!) as we walked around Union Station a little bit.  Doesn't he like Clark Kent with his big blue shirt and and big muscles?  :)  Hee, hee!  He's just missing the tie and glasses....  He didn't fly for us, though.

ADORABLE!!  LOVE this pic!

And this one, too...
And now it's time for the Stroller Sequence - wish I could have gotten one or two more, but this is the latest activity that EJ is excited about...see the progression (I'm missing a few key pics, but she got caught up in her dress.  It's so hard being a girl.)

Not only does she get into the stroller on her own, but she also buckles herself in....

And then, she gets herself out, too....

Mama and EJ...not the greatest pic, but hey, it's just us to take the picture!

Concert at the Zoo this Friday!  We had a good time with friends and the weather couldn't have been any better!  It was a WONDERFUL evening!!  This is our friend and neighbor, Dave, who EJ yelps for his name (and his hugs) throughout the days, and up and down our street.

Mommy and EJ gettin' outside and enjoying fresh air, friends, and fun music.

Dave's wife, and our friend, Ann Louise, who is fondly pronounced "A's" by EJ.  Love this pic!

This is our childbirth class friend Mary and her daughter, "N," who is just 2 weeks older than EJ.  She's a tall girl, too, so Mary and I are always comparing our shocks of our kiddos being in the upper 90th percentiles for height (and sometimes weight).  EJ just ranked in the 96th again at her 18 mo appt...surprise, surprise, right?

3 sweet girls

18 Month Words

Peeas = please
Ta-Ta = thank you
Mooore! = more
Uck = up
Hugck (yup, say that one "outloud" in your's funny) = hug
Shish = fish
Breesh = Briggs (our cat that's terrified of her)
Ra-Ra = crackers
Elle = elephant  (yup, she's trying to say THAT word)
Rack-Rack = quack quack
Shoes = toes, or feet, or actual shoes
Nooose = nose
Haaa = head
Booook = book (she was originally saying "boo" but has now added a very pronounced "K" at the end, but she says it like she's Russian.  Cracks me up.)
Mook = milk
Elm = Elmo
Be Beed = Big Bird
"Ah, ah, ah" = what she says when she sees The Count from Seasame Street

There are more, but I can't think of them while she's in bed.  :]  I'll update as I think of 'em!

Sunday, June 12, 2011


This past Saturday, I ran my first race!  Crossed off one item off the "bucket list!"  It was a 5k, which I never before I thought I could run 3.1 miles...have been workin' up to it for sure.  This race was the 13th annual Komen Race for a Cure (Breast Cancer) run.  Over 60,000 ppl pack downtown STL for this event (this year we topped 64,000 ppl and raised $3 million!!  WOW!) - supporters are given white shirts (you'll see Mary on the right is wearing one of them) and the survivors wear pink shirts.  I wore a pink shirt to join all the other pink everywhere, and my "Supergirl" shirt to pump me up!!

I joined my friends (first pics below), CJ, Mary, and their daughter "N" and had a great time, and was so glad to go with some seasoned participants.  This was CJ's 10TH year doing this race!  Wow!  I did the timed run, just to see what the time was, but my main goal was to run it without stopping - which I accomplished!!!  Yippee!  I was curious what my time was, just in case I decide to ever run another race and to work to beat it, and the bummer of the day was that somehow my time chip didn't register somewhere along the race!  Ugh!  Aren't you sad for me?  I do have a ballpark time of what I think I got, and subtracting about 1 min or so before I actually crossed the start line, I'm guessing I was about 31 min, which is a 10-minute mile pace and puts me right at #300 out of 910 women 'competing' in the time race.  Again...just wanted to run the whole thing without a break, which I did, so the time is secondary. 

Also, participants are handed papers to write down anyone that we are running in "celebration of" (those who have survived breast cancer) or in "memory of."  While there are loved ones of mine who have survived breast cancer, I did wear the side of the sign that said "in honor of" and ran the race with my grandmother in mind....  I didn't realize until AFTER the race that it was on the same day as her birthday; how special - my first race, a personal tie to its cause, and for a relative who was very special to me....

Pre-race smiles!

"Game face"

"Game face"

More pre-game pics - CJ popped out to take a picture of us girls and his friend, Jason.  Jason, CJ and I ran (CJ pushed N the WHOLE race - Jason and I were impressed!) together - they snuck in the timed runners pack shortly after the start line.  It was SO great to have them along for the run - I definitely think I would have stopped without the comraderie!

From L to R: Jason, CJ, Mary, "N," Me, and group!  It was nice to meet Jason and Josh, who were just as nice as CJ and Mary always are.  :)

My runner number, worn on the front, and my sign for Grandma, worn on the back - with the classy look of duct tape!

Always miss you, Grandma....