Saturday, August 11, 2012

Baking With Mommy!

We've been working on our baking skills lately!  See all that EJ's been helping me with.  :)

Just some of our ingredients....

Our kitchen assistant - monitoring that we were doing everything right.
(sometimes, it's easier to just leave him tucked in the corner than jumping up and attacking our butter and other cat-favorite ingredients)

Look at the skills...

Look at the concentration...

Look at the mess...  :)  And, licking flour?  Eeww...

A helper's reward...

Our double batch of banana bread

"Ta da," she says!

Our worn out kitchen assistant!  Ha!  He did nothing!

Next, we were on to cupcakes...for the 4th of July.
Funfetti cupcakes make us both happy!
More benefits of helping Mommy in the kitchen!
Ta da!

So exciting that we have to yell!

And now, it's BROWNIES!

Must taste everything...even dry brownie mix.

What a champ...learning how to stir...

Check out her mouth here...and below...  :)

Post-brownie-making face

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