Sunday, March 31, 2013

March - Part 3...Easter Things

So, the day after it snowed, school was canceled, so we made it outside to play for a little bit.  In honor of Easter coming the following weekend, we opted for an snowBUNNY instead of a snowman. :)  (The ears were surprisingly harder than I estimated.)

Instead of a carrot nose, we were feeding the snowbunny a carrot!  Despite the smile in this picture, she was actually distraught about not making the carrot a nose. 

We went to the backyard and EJ had a fun time throwing the carrot into nearly a foot of snow, running over to the landing spot, and then digging it out of the snow to find it.  She was just thrilled to make up her own game. :)

Easter is Coming!
Princess moment!

Time to color eggs for the first time together!

Ha!  Her face looks like a cartoon face because it's distorted with the angle.   Hee, hee!

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Easter goodies waiting for "the lil' one" to come home to look for eggs.

Lining up her real eggs (top row) and the fake eggs...all her own doing.  I kind of sat there laughing and semi-worried about the methodical'ness' of it all!

Finally, Mommy found some new, big-girl towels that will actually fit her.  I think she liked them! :)
See below...

She also got some gardening gloves and tools so we could work on our garden together this year.

Zoo with our Friends...
Sometimes, pictures from behind are just as cute as the ones where they know we're taking their picture.

(This is slightly out of order - this is the early evening of Easter)
We headed to the park with our friend Dave, "I" and "S" and flew kites for the first time together!  It was a beautiful Easter afternoon.  I think EJ liked to watch her princess kite get up in the air!

Wonder how the smile turned into a frown?
Well, "S" (the boy in pic below) is a little older, and was standing on the bleachers while flying his kite, and I wasn't letting EJ...way too easy to fall over the side!  Besides, we had to keep moving around because her kite wasn't staying up, even though S' kite was.

Friday, March 29, 2013

March - Part 2, Mommy's Birthday

Back to Maggie Moos'  :)
Why not?  Sounded good to this Momma...

EJ's picture-taking!

Two spoons, again...

Goodbye Malibu!!

Hello, Ford!  
(for those of you who know me, "A Ford?" - I know, right?  
We'll see how this goes!)

Any suggestions on a name for the car?
I was originally going to say it was a golden color, because "golden" sounds much nicer, eh, richer :) than "beige" or "tan."  So, then I was thinking Golden Nugget...but I'm not sure now that I've had it for a while that it's so much "golden."  Open to naming suggestions. :)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March - Part 1...Busy Month!

Random, miscellaneous March happenings...

Well, when we don't have an actual, real train set, at least we can get creative and make a train-like set. :)
I say, 'Creativity points for us!'

Believe this one or not, this is EJ's 2nd - yes, only 2nd - haircut in her life!  At 3 years, 3 months old.  Isn't that crazy?  It's not even long!  
Kind of surprised she even sat still since 'getting a haircut' is not something she normally does!

Ta da!
Look at the giant cat on my fridge!

...wait for it...

wait for it...

Yup - he got himself all the way in there...just tail remaining out.
...a glimpse into what happens when I am not home...
When I asked who she drew, EJ said, "Mommy and [EJ]."  She's on the left, I'm on the right.
Perhaps she was drawing a scale picture of us in another 12 or 13 years - when she's TALLER than me!

One of my more recent favorite evening's a good combo.  Try it!

Watch this quick video's cute and short:

Then, scroll down and check out the attire that is (or rather, is not) going on in the picture.  :)  Another "she's going to strangle me when she's older" picture.

Easter Egg "Hunt" (not really much hunting, eh?)
Nonetheless, she had fun. :)

Watch her go!

Proud of her eggs. :)

Candy in one basket, used eggs in the other.

Hugs for the bunny.  So fun that she's never afraid of these guys!
Right after the egg hunt, she got changed for her second round of dance classes at the community center.
I LOVE this pose...

I LOVE this beautiful face on her!
Quite literally, the next day we got a whole bunch of snow...she had a lot of fun throwing snowballs at her dad when he was dropping her off with me that Sun night.  I had fun watching it... :)

I love this angle...she looks like she's 15 months old again!  Ha!

Messy hair, but pretty blue eyes!