Monday, September 12, 2011

Vacation Pics, Part II

So, this is the second half of our vacation, jam-packed with busy, fun days, too!

Sunday: Botanical Gardens-type park in the morning, followed by a trip to MIAMI UNIVERSITY (yippee!) in the afternoon, and then on to Patty's for dinner!

Laurie & EJ - two cute girls!

EJ can clearly pronounce "water" and kept showing us all the water she was seeing...and occasionally trying to get IN the water (she has always LOVED getting wet!)

There was this cute little cabin with all these frogs in difference scenes painted on the walls...everything looked crazy 3-dimensional.  Of course, my lovable kiddo had to give kisses!  OK, so maybe Mommy told her to kiss the frog and see if her handsome prince came!  :)  Is that mean?
Just love the smile.  She was all proud and excited to have been allowed to go over the bridge by herself.

Mommy and EJ in our first treehouse!

Cuteness at the bottom of the treehouse....

Ahh!!!  The exploring of the botanical gardens did the trick!   Naptime for EJ while Laurie drove us to Miami. time for us girls to just talk in the car for a few hours....

Hello Gorgeous!

Self portrait of me 'n' Laurie outside of our apartment that we shared our last year together with Kim (we missed you Kim!!!).  It was SUCH a dump, but it granted us some great stories that we can say, "Well, when I was your age and I was at college,..." to our kids someday.

We met up with my precious, dear, wonderful friend, Patty, and her beautiful daughter Courtney (missed you, Chrissy!) for our infamous SDS sandwiches that Patty and I shared for years over many great, encouraging talks.  How fun that my daughter got to try it!  
Never did I think that I'd have a kiddo back in the college days!
Laurie went with her college standby - Bagel-N-Deli, also a favorite, but without the memories for me.

OK, some of you might kill me over this one...and hopefully all of you will laugh.  I was just DYING to get my little girl in a cheerleader outfit!  She just has the bubbly, happy, outgoing spirit of a cheerleader, and how much better can I possibly cheer on my alma mater!?  See below for our fun girls' dress up time!! (and, no, I did not buy the outfit...just had to get proof of how cute she'd look in it!)

A cool cheerleader, too!

Yea!  Gooooo Miami Girls!!!

She's practicing her positions here...for the pyramids or whatever they are called....

Do you love the pink crocs?

She couldn't help herself...she was just too cute not to give herself a kiss!  :)

From left to right:
Patty, me, Laurie, Courtney
In front: EJ...bored but toasting to Miami and Mommy's girls with a sippy cup

This is one of several stone bridges I crossed in order to get to classes every day for two year...gorgeous.

This is a view from an almost-identical bridge I was standing on, looking at yet another one of the amazing, beautiful bridges on campus.  I mean, how many colleges have this on them?  What a blessing to have this as part of my life....

We stopped to call Kim and since she couldn't be there with us, we took a picture while we were on the phone with her, in honor of missing her.  ...and EJ snuck in the picture, too...  :)

EJ having lots of fun bouncing on top of Patty's shoulders.  She had a blast with Patty the whole afternoon, and warmed up to her right away.  Precious.  Patty is just that kind of person - everyone loves her! - and, she's smart, too - she brought along a "peace offering" of a little pink doll right away for the first time EJ saw her...won her over!  :)  

This is inserted in here just for all of us 1999 and 2000 (or later) grads - I mean, HOW OLD DO WE FEEL NOW??

Me 'n' Patty outside of Bishop Hall, where Patty used to work...and she could have a direct view into my Interior Design studios right next store....  Patty and I would often meet up for lunches on the quad that this dorm was on.  Always fun.

Time at Patty's house that night...EJ lovin' all the fun things to play with and all the attention she got from Patty, Bo, and Courtney.  See her excitement below?!

Patty and EJ had a special kissing thing going on.  As usual, if I ever get the videos loaded, I have this one in action!

Patty's hubby Bo was overcome with EJ's preciousness and wanting him to play with her, so he finally got down on the floor with her for a little while.  SO fun for me to see that side of Bo!  :)

EJ helped take this picture!  What a pro!

Monday: Departure Day :(  ...eventually

We got all packed up in the morning and then headed out to a park until the kids' naptimes.  Then we played around with the older two boys (of the 3 that Laurie nannies for) in the afternoon, before heading off to grab dinner before our evening flight.  I mean, really, I like to think we used every minute we had in Ohio!  :)
Check out this cutie - sassy pants, crazy pigtails, and wearing Mommy's shoes.  She's ready to go out on the town!

Playground time!

Since it is a vacation of "firsts," I like to pretend this is a rollercoaster ride (doesn't it kind of look like it?   Sort of dramatic for a swing, don't you agree?)!  And for those of you how know my kiddo's obsession with always taking her socks and shoes off, take special note of how time on the playground ended up in that department.  :)  She definitely does NOT get that from me!  I like socks!

Goodbyes at the airport. :(
Farewell my fantastic, fellow-freckled friend...we miss you all the time!  

Onward with your Super Nanny-ness!  :)


  1. ahhhh I loved your visit too! I am just so glad that it worked out and that you could 'tag' along with me at 'work' and see what my life is like here in OHIO. Our time together was precious... so many happy memories with you and E! Can't wait for our beachy vacation! You tell me when and where and I'll be there! Love and miss my fellow-freckled-faced friend!

  2. p.s. my super nanny status is up in the air, remember?
