Tuesday, April 17, 2012

EJ's First "Real" Haircut! (and other things)

Before the Haircut...

My poor little kiddo had this rash that was taking over her body...thankfully, it wasn't appearing to bother her too much, but when she started showing a fever, it was time to bring her in to the doctor.  As much as they could figure out, she had Sixth Disease (isn't that a funny name?) - this rash that develops with just about no aggravation to the child and not contagious (whew!), just red and blotchy all over her body.

This was after a trip to the doc - we stopped at a new playground and hung out for a little while.  

Probably didn't help her complexion that I had her in all pink, with her little, broken-out red face.  :(  Poor thing...it LOOKED painful.  Glad it wasn't!

I think this is cute...with the pigtail 'n' things.

Time for the Haircut!
She was a little stunned at how the whole thing works, but she was an ABSOLUTE ANGEL in the chair and for the lady...far better than I expected my lil' squirmy one to be.  It was precious.

I LOVE this lil' smirk...she looks like a cartoon face!  :)

"Don't cut so much," says Mommy!

Post-haircut...she was hard to get to sit still afterwards.

The stylist had to trim her bangs, so she actually DOES have bangs...I just pinned them back because they were in her eyes...you'll see in future pictures.

She's showing me her butterfly "sticker" (a.k.a. tattoo)  that she got for being such a good sitter during her haircut.  And, still, 1 week after her haircut, when people ask whether she got a haircut, she shows her hand and starts talking about her butterfly.  Poor thing - she's had a bath or two since then so it's been long gone. :(

All this GIRL STUFF - it's so exhausting!  :)

Look at those sweet curls...and such a LITTLE quantity of hair!

Later that day....
I left her alone painting WITH WATERCOLORS (even though this looks like acrylics!) for not even 7 minutes while I answered a work email, and this is what I came back to...plus a 10 foot trail of blue paint drops on the floor as she came my way.  :/ 

"See Mommy?  Blue hands!  It's on my legs, too!"

And...(sigh)...just moments later...after Mommy made her wash off the blue, this was the meltdown afterwards on the bathroom floor.
Does anyone else ever wish we could just throw our bodies down and have a fit?  OK, maybe not in our undies!  :)


We spent the day with our friends, Heidi, Theodore and their kids, at Theodore's welcoming family's house.  It was fun to watch my kiddo search for eggs.  :)

"Look Mommy."  I love this sweet little face on her!

My new FAVORITE picture of us!
We haven't had one of us in a little while, and I just love  it, and am always so glad to have these pictures of us together.

Jumping around in delight!  I love her little athletic calves.  :)

SUPER fun times playing with ice, cold hands, and Theodore's face.  

Just a pretty scene all around....

Two sweet girls without their shoes on...

A giant bubble from a little girl!

All the kids involved in the egg hunt...

Did Mommy's camera happen to zoom in on her lil' girl?  Um...YES!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Day at the Farm...

We headed to Purina Farms with a friend from daycare.  It is yet another one of the many free things to do in STL. This is about 35 miles west of us, but it's a cozy little farm where you are within arms reach of animals or watching the dog show (we didn't get to see that, so we'll be back!).
This little guy was literally TWO HOURS OLD!  He was yappin' his head off, too...his mommy was off eating and I bet the little guy was HUNGRY!

All she needs is a cowgirl hat and some boots!  :)

They had these pigs in a little pen where all the kids could lean over and pet them.

Just in case we were wondering how tall the "Little Giant" is!  :)

Got to pet a bunny that was out with all the people.  SO soft!

She got all excited that it jumped up and started to run away from her!

Kisses for everyone, always!  Even wooden chickens!

She LOVED this for the 10 seconds we were on it!  She's going to be such a little thrill-seeker...

Both of us having fun!

Hugs for our buddy that we came with...

Working hard at coloring, after a nap from a fun day at the farm.

And, later...just moments later, look at the mess that was created in all of 3 seconds....

Speaking of messes...here's a picture from a few months back of what I found in my office...CD Mania.  Isn't amazing how QUICKLY messes can be made by these kiddos and how LONG it takes to clean it up?  They certainly MUST know that while we are cleaning up the one mess, they can find ways to make 3 other messes!  Right?

Can't remember if I included this older picture a while back, but I came across it...I like to think of it as "Overwhelmed By Elmo."  
(I look much more crazed after listening to just ONE Elmo, don't you?)

This was a little while back, but this is "Fun at the Dollar Store!"

OK, back to "now"....
This was the other day, trying to get her ready for school...she got the "shoes" command a little off.  ;)

...and her new backpack.  (I know it's the size of her, but I couldn't find one that was smaller...)

This is the all-too-common, post-nap meltdown, which seems to happen after just about every 2+ hour nap these days, for the first 30 minutes after she wakes up.  :(
This is how I feel many days because I HAVEN'T had a nap!

The Scowl...

My two boys.  Any guesses on who's who?  :)  They usually stump most people and they aren't even brothers!