Monday, June 27, 2011

June Pictures, Part 1

What a crazy June we've had here!  Crazy weather, crazy (busy) schedules and activities, and visitors!  Hooray!  (and more to come in just a few days)  So, here are a few new pictures of things we've been keepin' busy with...and I'll post Part 2 soon.  There may be updates as some friends have pics on their cameras and they might send those to me, so you can always check back!

Also, I totally missed posting anything on EJ's big 18 month milestone, so at the bottom, I thought I'd include portions of her sweet little vocabulary that make me smile everyday. 

"Mommy, are you SURE I can't get out of this stroller?  I think I can figure it out, but you're watching me."

"I'm slightly disgruntled because my mommy is making me sit in this stroller - which is for LITTLE girls and I'm a BIG girl - instead of letting me jump into the water that I love SOOO much.  Oooh!  And I could play with the fish!"

My "little" bro was in town for a conference, so EJ got to spend a little bit o' time with her Uncle Kevin (who she enjoyed!) as we walked around Union Station a little bit.  Doesn't he like Clark Kent with his big blue shirt and and big muscles?  :)  Hee, hee!  He's just missing the tie and glasses....  He didn't fly for us, though.

ADORABLE!!  LOVE this pic!

And this one, too...
And now it's time for the Stroller Sequence - wish I could have gotten one or two more, but this is the latest activity that EJ is excited about...see the progression (I'm missing a few key pics, but she got caught up in her dress.  It's so hard being a girl.)

Not only does she get into the stroller on her own, but she also buckles herself in....

And then, she gets herself out, too....

Mama and EJ...not the greatest pic, but hey, it's just us to take the picture!

Concert at the Zoo this Friday!  We had a good time with friends and the weather couldn't have been any better!  It was a WONDERFUL evening!!  This is our friend and neighbor, Dave, who EJ yelps for his name (and his hugs) throughout the days, and up and down our street.

Mommy and EJ gettin' outside and enjoying fresh air, friends, and fun music.

Dave's wife, and our friend, Ann Louise, who is fondly pronounced "A's" by EJ.  Love this pic!

This is our childbirth class friend Mary and her daughter, "N," who is just 2 weeks older than EJ.  She's a tall girl, too, so Mary and I are always comparing our shocks of our kiddos being in the upper 90th percentiles for height (and sometimes weight).  EJ just ranked in the 96th again at her 18 mo appt...surprise, surprise, right?

3 sweet girls

18 Month Words

Peeas = please
Ta-Ta = thank you
Mooore! = more
Uck = up
Hugck (yup, say that one "outloud" in your's funny) = hug
Shish = fish
Breesh = Briggs (our cat that's terrified of her)
Ra-Ra = crackers
Elle = elephant  (yup, she's trying to say THAT word)
Rack-Rack = quack quack
Shoes = toes, or feet, or actual shoes
Nooose = nose
Haaa = head
Booook = book (she was originally saying "boo" but has now added a very pronounced "K" at the end, but she says it like she's Russian.  Cracks me up.)
Mook = milk
Elm = Elmo
Be Beed = Big Bird
"Ah, ah, ah" = what she says when she sees The Count from Seasame Street

There are more, but I can't think of them while she's in bed.  :]  I'll update as I think of 'em!

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